Tutorial 1 - Introduction to Infinite Overtake

The purpose of Infinite Overtake is to overtake as many cars as you can while avoiding crashes. The game calculates your score (which will be explained below) at every 4 kilometres and display it when you pass the checkpoint.

It is highly recommended that you play the game in full screen. To do so, press the "f" key, or open the menu by pressing the Menu button (seen on the bottom left) and press the Full Screen button.

Infinite Overtake is played with the keyboard using mainly the arrow keys. Up key for throttle, down key for brakes, left/right keys to turn.

For novice players, using the arrow keys is enough to play the game. You should first practice driving the car without crashing too frequently. The default driving mode of the car is Sport (see the button on the bottom right corner on the game screen) therefore it might be too fast for a beginner. You can press the Sport button and change the driving mode to Eco or Trip so that your car will ride slower.

The bottom left corner of the game screen will display your points in the last 4 kilometres. The points are calculated as:

Points = Your average speed (km/h) + Your top speed (km/h) + Your Overtakes - Your Crashes

Every overtake brings 20 points. Every minor crash takes away 10 points and every major crash takes away 50 points.

You will also gain some bonus points if you are doing better than your past 20 kilometres.

Tutorials will be continued.

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